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trips « Expect the Exceptional

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Hershey Park Trip

Today, I went for the first and perhaps my last time to Hershey Park. It was part of our RA goodbye celebration. It’s a great amusement park because there are so many fun rides! Even my friend who hates roller coasters got on a few of them!

I tried to ride all of […]

Model United Nations

Last week, fifteen McDaniel students traveled to Boston to participate in the 61st Harvard National Model United Nations.

Bilal and I holding Suriname’s flag at opening ceremonies.

The conference started on Thursday evening with opening ceremonies. As far back as almost everyone in attendance could remember, HNMUN had been held in the Boston […]

Saying Goodbye to the California Sun

Each student at McDaniel is required to take at least one Jan Term as a student. Some students take more than one, but one is the minimum. I took an on-campus Jan Term last year, Nonviolent Scriptbreaking, where I became a certified nonviolence trainer. In that class, we studied Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and a […]

Buses, Hostels, and Student Discounts: Things I’ve Learned About Planning Trips

Just to restate the obvious–I love traveling. Studying abroad in Budapest has given me fantastic opportunities to explore more of Europe, and I still have three remaining weekend trips in October and November. Since I am studying abroad, here are some things I have learned about while planning trips.

1. Budget Bus Lines

I think […]