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volunteering « Expect the Exceptional

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Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.

To clean up, you have to get messy

Yesterday morning, I reluctantly pried myself out of bed sometime after 8:00 in the morning to join a small army of students from McDaniel College and Carroll Community College wearing bright green t-shirts to participate in the annual Westminster Cleanup, a morning of service created to clean up and spruce up various public areas of […]

Westminster Clean Up

Today I volunteered in a project called the Westminster Clean up! It is an annual thing that McDaniel and Carroll County Community College join up for. Students can volunteer on their own or as groups, such as sports teams or campus organizations. Then they are split into teams and sent on various missions across the […]

April approaches!

In my five and a half semesters here on the Hill, I’ve found that April can be one of the most overwhelming months of the school year. But a lot of what makes the month of April such a jam-packed time is stuff that’s actually fun.

One thing I love about early April in particular […]

Helping out at Special Olympics

One of the many reasons I love McDaniel is because of all the events they put on. These events range from movies to volunteer work you can help at. This past weekend I got the pleasure of helping out at the Special Olympics.

McDaniel hosted the a basketball tournament, which were the qualification matches, for […]

Are you ready to SERRV?

At 6:50 yesterday morning, the alarm on my phone went off. Admittedly, it was difficult. This is college–I don’t get up that early on weekdays let alone on a Saturday. But I had a duty to myself, my peers, and in a small way, the global community. Seven other students from the Honors […]