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weather « Expect the Exceptional

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The Beauty of Rain

Rain is generally pretty miserable. It’s not much fun to go to class or Glar with wet socks and wet hair, or to stand outside in the rain for about five hours watching people throw, jump, and run, which I did at my track meet yesterday (I also threw, but they cancelled the women’s pole […]

Weather on the Hill

McDaniel students were teased with warm 60+ degree weather earlier this week, only for Thursday to roll around and hit us with harsh gusts and bitterly cold temperatures. I for one am not happy with this. On Tuesday, when it was sunny and beautiful, I took celebratory measures and cut up a pair of my […]

Nice Weather, Good Luck Studying

The first truly beautiful day of the year came today, just three days after the biggest snowstorm of the year. Some blame global warming, I just call it luck. Out on the quad between ANW and DMC, two dorm buildings by the gym, students were strewn about with laptops, with laptops and blankets; some tanning, […]

February Weather

February is my least favorite month. Which might seem irrational because it is also the shortest month, but the weather is the worst.

I thought the groundhog said spring was coming early this year?!

Since the month started, several times a week we have been experiencing flurries and wintry mixes that accumulate to nothing but […]