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Westminster « Expect the Exceptional

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Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa.

Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.

To clean up, you have to get messy

Yesterday morning, I reluctantly pried myself out of bed sometime after 8:00 in the morning to join a small army of students from McDaniel College and Carroll Community College wearing bright green t-shirts to participate in the annual Westminster Cleanup, a morning of service created to clean up and spruce up various public areas of […]

Some awesome off campus spots!

McDaniel has so many great things about it. I could sit here and make a long list as to why I came to McDaniel and everything I love about it. Instead I’m going to talk briefly about a few off campus places that I love.

First, I have already briefly mentioned Birdie’s cafe on main […]

New Westminster Favorite: Sweet Frog

My friends and I have a new favorite place here in Westminster. It is Sweet Frog! For those of you who are not familiar with Sweet Frogs, they are frozen yogurt places…the type with all of the yummy toppings! They opened up a Sweet Frog here in town a couple months ago and we LOVE […]

April approaches!

In my five and a half semesters here on the Hill, I’ve found that April can be one of the most overwhelming months of the school year. But a lot of what makes the month of April such a jam-packed time is stuff that’s actually fun.

One thing I love about early April in particular […]

At the Movies!

Spring Break is officially over and everyone is back to their regular schedules. A lot of people returned with a tan…and those who did not are pretty jealous. But no worries, they’ll get tan soon cause warm weather is coming! One thing I love doing in these gorgeous weather is reading outside! I just finished […]