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writing « Expect the Exceptional

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Contrast Lit Mag next year

After posting about my plans for Palabras to Words next year in a recent entry, I figured that I would do the same for Contrast, our literary magazine. I recently met with this year’s editing team to learn about what putting a magazine together entails, and we discussed some awesome initiatives for next year, including:


Contrast and Free Press upgrading space

Our two main student publications on campus are the Free Press, which is the student newspaper, and Contrast, our literary magazine. I’ve been involved with the newspaper since I was a freshman, and next year will be my third year as the News Editor. I’ve also become involved with Contrast during this year and will […]

Writing Time!

My biggest task today was finalizing the piece that I have to read for the induction into LIT, the Literature Honor’s Society here at McDaniel College. I wrote a poem for it that is called Nightwish that I really like. The idea actually started from the name I gave a club in the Vampire the […]

Visiting the Writing Center

I have a confession to make: up until this point in my college career, I had never had an appointment at the Writing Center. A lot of this has to do the fact I tend to finish my papers at the last minute. I had always had this unfounded idea that in order to take […]

Writing for Nonprofit Organizations

One of the things I have begun to love about McDaniel is the fact that their classes are actually ones that are relevant out in the real world. This semester I am taking a class called Writing for Nonprofit Organizations. Our readings for each class consist of examples and forms to follow for grant writing, […]