Gender in Tiehua

What does it mean to be a woman in modern China? Does it mean inequality? To be subservient and submissive to husbands and male family members? Or does it mean resistance, and the circumvention of social expectations? How would social changes of womanhood affect domestic spaces and concepts/practices of sexuality. Using the representations of women in tiehua, during the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976), we can explore the historical and cultural significance of the significance of these representations, and how they shaped the culture.

Reinventing Femininity: Women Militants of Guo Dian

Female Strength: Concerns of the Body

Stereotypes that Help: New Chinese of Guo Dian 

Women and their Fields: Agriculture learns for Dozhai

Reinventing Gender Roles: Forever Young

Reinventing Masculinity: Power and Struggle in Rural China 

An organized compilation of tiehua art.