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Angels Against Domestic Violence – world science

Angels Against Domestic Violence

Angels Against Domestic Violence is a non-profit organization that was established in 2010 by a victim and a survivor of domestic violence. It was created to be the voice of the women who didn’t have the opportunity to survive. In the modern civilized era, everyone should have the right to defend himself and live comfortably in the society. Angles Against Domestic Violence (AADV) was just established to spread the knowledge and awareness towards every section of people. Its mission is to provide justice or at least a vision to fight for justice .It is only possible by education. To provide the best education to the needy ones, the best way to do this way is to gather such deserving people at one place and then arrange professional trainings for them. That’s why Angels Against Domestic Violence (AADV) is allied with the foster care centers.

All the basic needs and facilities are provided to the people by AADV.  Our vision is to eliminate domestic violence through advocacy, public education, systems change, awareness and social change. We provide comprehensive services for any individual (women, men, and children) that were affected by domestic violence. We also believe that educating the members of the community can bring more awareness to this issue and more awareness can assist in reduction of domestic violence cases. Maryland Govt. fully supports this cause because the statistics show that Maryland has to bear high amount of such cases in which children and needy people are mistreated.

If a child is domestically abused or violated in society then he has the right to be admitted in foster care center where he can live his life easily without any pressure and torture. After the announcement of subsidies for such social services that are announced by the Maryland Govt. There is no fee involved in foresting a child in Maryland. There has been much revolution in awareness and fight for the right.  Around 55% of the population consists of women who are reported as maltreatment victims in Maryland. 61% neglecting reports are filed against society in Maryland.

Sexual abuse filed cases ratio is much higher in Maryland comparing with the United States. There are 23% people who are reported as sexually abused while there is only 9% sexual abuse ratio that is reported in the United States. The records and statistics show that percentage of physical abuse in Maryland (22%) is 4% greater than the United States. There is an average percentage (up to 40%) of Non-parent cases in Maryland. This ratio is only 24% in the United States. Average time duration between report and the service initiation is around 62 days which is almost 43 days in the United States.

Considering these entire facts and statistics, one can easily notice that, Maryland Govt. has supervised this social service well. Maryland State has initiated many big projects like foster care centers and stare adoption programs. Maryland Govt. is providing Adoption Subsidy to ease the adoption process so that the ratio of unaccepted orphans can be decreased. There are medical and financial benefits that are provided in the adoption subsidy by the Maryland Govt. There are many local departments and agencies that hold guardianship of the lost children. The agencies initiate all legal procedure on behalf of the children. Every lost child or an orphan has the right to seek his rights and justice through any of these social departments like Angels Against Domestic Violence.

Angels against domestic violence (AADV) is contributing well in this holy cause. AADV has accompanied with many big private and social agencies to give the best social service to the deserving people. Since, it was established by a targeted person that’s why it was purely designed to bring the best for the survivals. Now, Dr. Nabavi has taken it to next level Dr. Nabavi has been an integral part of this organization. We are very grateful for his generous contributions to Angels Against Domestic Violence throughout 2017 and 2018. Elegant Dental Care has helped us to provide free dental services in Columbia of Maryland for our victims, the major services which are provided by Elegant Dental Care include teeth whitening, full mouth reconstruction, emergency dental service and family dentistry. Further, it is providing free dental implant and cosmetic consultations. Elegant dental service is making a great impact in their dental health as well as their self-esteem. Elegant dental care has so many dentists.


You can easily choose from Columbia, Ellicott, Laurel and other regions in Howard county of Maryland.  Not just in Maryland but also supporting our mission with Foster Care Centers in Guatemala by making donations to provide food, shelter and clothing for the foster kids Angels Against Domestic Violence is trying to provide the best foster care service in Maryland. We are not only focusing on shelter and food for the needy people but we are trying to compensate them with the best dental treatment too. We are engaging with different dental institutes and major dental care centers to provide free quality dental services to our foster care centers.

Moreover, Angels Against Domestic Violence (AADV) is trying to initiate the best educational platforms for the survivals and orphans. Our organization conducts the best training and educational sessions for the survivals; we try best to provide the free comfort environment to our survivals. As the name suggests, Angels Against Domestic Violence is providing an angelic social service, out a nowhere, for the people who suffer from domestic violence. We believe that this social service can bring the best towards the society. There are so many people who are trying to rehabilitate their lives through these social centers especially Angels Against Domestic Violence (AADV). They are willing to live free and do some positive work for the state. That is so important for the culture development, harmony among society progress and the economy of the state.  The humanity of Dr Nabavi and his kindness and compassion has been an amazing blessing to our organization and we hope with his assistance we can do more wonderful things for our community in 2019.