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The Vagina Monologues « Expect the Exceptional

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The Vagina Monologues



McDaniel has a lot of really neat events for the students, such as hypnotists, magicians, and singers. Students and professors also put on a lot of really neat events, including chorus and musical concerts, plays, musicals, and talent shows. Last Friday, they put on The Vagina Monologues, a play written by Eve Ensler. The proceeds from the ticket sales go towards an organization called V-Day that helps rape shelters, sexual assault victims, and women’s anti-violence organizations.

The Vagina Monologues are a hilarious and yet heartbreaking way to raise awareness about violence against women, especially sexual violence. The cast consisted of female students and one professor, Dr. Becky Carpenter. It was mostly amusing, but some of the stories, especially a personal story from one of the cast members, was upsetting. It is definitely not for anyone under the age of 18.

One of the things I love about this campus is that there are always people willing to help and support others, and The Vagina Monologues is an extension of that. Everyone in the audience stood to declare they were against violence against women and sexual violence against anyone. It was empowering to stand with other students and some community members and professors that all believe in the same mission.

This play is not something to attend if the word “vagina” makes you uncomfortable, but it is a really good way to expand your mind while having some fun. It’s a must-see.

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