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Yes, Midterms Exist in Budapest. « Expect the Exceptional

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Yes, Midterms Exist in Budapest.

I am sorry that I have not posted in a while! Fall break for McDaniel Budapest students was this past week, and I was in Budapest for a grand total of 12 hours over the past ten days. During those ten days I was in Venice, Vienna, and Krakow. Each city was fantastic and I can definitely say that this Fall Break was the best I have ever had at McDaniel. Instead of writing about the ten days in a single blog post, I think it will be much less confusing if I split the blog posts into three different parts — one for each city.

However, in order to celebrate the end of midterms, this blog will focus on midterm preparation and midterm week. The following blogs will have more interesting travel stories!

Holocaust and Memory: Going into this exam, I was fairly nervous because we had to memorize a chronology listing major dates, places, and people relevant to the Holocaust in Hungary. We were also advised to study the reading questions from the first half of the semester as we would have a list to choose from on the test. I studied a lot for the exam and was proud of myself for memorizing the major events on the timeline. I love this class and hope that my midterm responses are a testimony to my interest.

Intro to Political Science: For this exam, we were given five questions one week in advance and on the midterm day, a student picked a number out of a hat. That number corresponded to the question number we had to write about for our midterm. We had an hour and a half to write our essay and after preparing for all five questions the week before, I felt very confident about this exam.

Inventors of Political Ideas: My professor for this class also teaches the Intro to Political Science course, so the midterm set-up was exactly the same. The only difference is that on this exam, the questions were based more on general ideas and political thought rather than political definitions and concepts.

Digital Photography: Surprisingly, this was the most difficult midterm for me. We had an hour and a half to make a Photoshopped image that resembled the model our professor gave us. Each step had a different point value and towards the end of the test, I was actually pretty nervous that I would not finish on time — luckily, I did!

After four days of midterms, I was able to relax. And when I write “relax,” I mean pack. Because after my last test, I had about 24 hours before taking off on my travel excursions!

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