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Spending Spring Break at McDaniel « Expect the Exceptional

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Spending Spring Break at McDaniel

Sometimes it even snows during spring break at McDaniel, like it did this year.

Sometimes it even snows during spring break at McDaniel, like it did this year. (We promise that it doesn’t snow all the time here!)

This past week was spring break for McDaniel students! While I traveled back to California the first two years of college, this year I decided to stay on campus. I reasoned that I have a lot of homework to complete, do not want to spend money or time on a flight, and I can have fun working at the Admissions Office.

The campus is fairly quiet over break, but there are some students at McDaniel such as athletes, other student workers, or students finishing research. This break was not the most exciting break for me, but I do enjoy working with the counselors at Admissions, and the tour groups have been really fun this past week. While I am sure you would love to read all about my job as a tour guide, here are some Spring Break trips some of my friends went on:

  • Day trip to Baltimore for the aquarium and Inner Harbor
  • Week long adventure in Orlando Universal Studios
  • Trip to Disney World
  • Vacation in North Carolina on the beach
  • Evening visit exploring Annapolis

My friends sent me pictures throughout the break and although I am very jealous, at least I can say that I am getting some work done! There is always next year for a more adventurous spring break…

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