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Campus Events « Expect the Exceptional

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Global Cafe Fun

Flags on the tables at the Global Cafe

On Monday, I went to one of the Global Cafes that our International Programs Office put on. It was such a great time! We had tea and cookies in the new lounge space in Hill Hall. We got to break in the new furniture. […]

Fun with Campus Safety

Last night, the RAs from ANW and Blanche Ward Halls hosted an event in the Forum titled “Fun with Campus Safety” for the campus community to attend.

McDaniel’s campus safety officers can seem pretty intimidating. They’re usually all suited up and act very professional. However, they’re all actually super friendly and really helpful. They […]

My own March madness

I was doing so many fun things (and homework things) the first two weeks of March that I didn’t have time to write about them here as they were happening! Here’s a recap of what I was up to prior to spring break:

SNOW DAYS! We had three snow days the first week of March, […]

Snow Day Togas and Jams

This past week, we only had two full days of school which means there were lots of shenanigans happening on the snow days. On Thursday, my residents woke and decided that it was a Toga Day. They dressed up in togas and pretended to go around conquering other suites by having everyone dress like […]

Drowning in legislation–the fun things

Hello, my name is Ema and I have been drowned by legislation.

This weekend is Maryland Student Legislature’s Spring Leadership Training Institute and Interim Assembly conference, which will be held at McDaniel College. At this event last year, I declared my candidacy for Attorney General. This past week, I have been wondering what exactly […]