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Student Life « Expect the Exceptional

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Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa.

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Fun with Campus Safety

Last night, the RAs from ANW and Blanche Ward Halls hosted an event in the Forum titled “Fun with Campus Safety” for the campus community to attend.

McDaniel’s campus safety officers can seem pretty intimidating. They’re usually all suited up and act very professional. However, they’re all actually super friendly and really helpful. They […]

Broken Bones and McDaniel’s Community

The Snapchat I took of my foot’s x-ray.

I’ve never broken a serious bone before. However, I’ve broken the baby toe on my right foot. Twice.

The first time was in freshman year, and it definitely didn’t happen because I kicked a table accidentally. The second time was on Friday night while with […]

Sweet Suitemates

Pineapple from my awesome suitemate!

Since I was on campus for Spring Break, I have been doing a lot of grocery shopping because Glar was closed for break. Since going grocery shopping, I have realized how much I have missed shopping for food. It is one of my favorite pastimes. I also […]

My own March madness

I was doing so many fun things (and homework things) the first two weeks of March that I didn’t have time to write about them here as they were happening! Here’s a recap of what I was up to prior to spring break:

SNOW DAYS! We had three snow days the first week of March, […]

ANW Floats!

This week was midterms week, so I wanted to have a small event for my residents to treat them. One of my residents suggested a while back that we have a root beer float night using A&W root beer. Since we live in Albert Norman Ward Hall, ANW, it was very fitting to use A&W […]