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love « Expect the Exceptional

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Valentine’s Day Part 2

Here is the moment you all have been waiting for: Valentine’s Day Part 2. On actual Valentine’s Day which was on a Saturday this year, I made hearts for all my residents saying why I like them, or I reminded them of a moment we had together. Lots of people said they appreciated it. That […]

The Signs of Love

I am not sure if I really believe in signs or not, but if I did, I would say that I had two really big ones this past week. For a couple of weeks, there was this guy I was interested in, but it did not work out. Being my naturally overdramatic self, I vowed […]

Packages and Dads

One of the best parts about being an out of state student is getting packages. Sometimes they are from myself and other times they are from friends or family. For Valentine’s Day last year, my parents sent me those candy hearts that everyone loves, but mine were in Spanish so I got to share them […]

Magical McDaniel Memories

On Tuesday, February 4 at approximately 6:35pm, my life was changed forever. It all started when I went to dinner with a few friends. We were talking casually about many things like the recent Atlanta snowfall and how some conspiracy theorists thought the snow wasn’t real or the sloth video with Kristen Bell. It […]