Contemporary Chinese Art: Artistry in a Market Economy

Screen Shot 2016-07-07 at 8.15.23 PMIn its recent history, China has cultivated a colossal economy, easily rivaling that of the ever-powerful U.S. In the decades after the death of Mao Zedong, China oversaw tremendous reforms—most notably the adoption of a mixed, market-oriented economy. Within the world’s largest political system, this led to a sprawling consumer culture. All of these changes surely influenced artwork, which now has to cater to a market rather than exclusive commission by the state. With calls for China to become ever more advanced in all sectors—such as culture—art has taken a forefront. Nonetheless, artists have had a hard time: they’ve had to transition from an exclusively command economy to the risks associated with markets—and the results have not been the best for all, thus resistance has taken place.

Read Kyle’s full blog post on his website.