Pre-Great Leap Forward Tiehua 1

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This work, created right before the Great Leap Forward, reintroduced tiehua to China, albeit with a noticeably different appearance. Chinese Communist Party leader Mao Zedong eventually approved of tiehua due to its connection with blacksmithing and the working class; thus, as part of the state’s goal of creating a working class, a largely dead art form was revived, with the opening of tiehua workshops. These works had a different focus than their predecessors: they specifically focused on glorifying the “New China” under the CCP. This shift is seen in the more complex, even three-dimensional, structures within and features trimmed with industrial precision. Contrasting greatly with older works, this tiehua follows the style of realism, emphasizing the advancement of China rather than the simplicity of life in nature. This complexity is seen in the large tower and extremely intricate detail of the trees. This is due to the fact that this work was commissioned to show the advanced nature of the New China and the socialist reform in the handicraft industry. This pre-Great Leap Forward revival, however, was short lived, with these photos being the only remnants of this work.

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