Chapter 26

 Pages  Term  Description
 158 The Victoria Gardens The Victoria Gardens are a part of the Queen Victoria Park, situated near the Niagara Falls in Canada.
 159 Cutty Sark Cutty Sark is a brand of whisky named after a Scottish clipper ship of the same name. The ship was designed to transport tea between China and England. The ship had apparently set quite a few speed records, and considering the brand originates from the same country, might partially explain why the whisky was named after it.
 159  Ballantine Ballantine is a famous brand of Scotch Whisky created in 1840.

Follow this link to look at the brand’s website.

 160  Americanization of Canada Around the time the novel is set, the time of the Civil War, many Canadians came south to join the side of the Union. One Candian was even said to have been in Grant’s honor guard when General Lee surrendered. According to one author, their participation in the civil war may have inspired the Canadians to seek independence from Britain.

In more modern times, while there are no scholarly articles on it, there is alot of discussion about the Americanization of Canada. Many seem to discuss the idea of the U.S. influencing the nation as a whole. One seemingly well written and researched paper written by a student and posted on a website from the United Kingdom discusses the matter. Canada participates in heavy trade with the United States, as much as 80%. This gives the United States alot of influence within the nation. However, Canada has a differing political system as well as differing cultural values. So while the U.S. likely holds some weight, Canada still maintains a distinct identity. A link to the paper can be found here.

 160  Western Guard The Western Guard was a white supremacist group formed in Canada in 1967, under the original name of the “anti-Communist Edmund Burke Society”, and was not around during the time of the civil war. Following Don Andrews arrest and distancing of himself from the group in 1975, and the takeover of John Ross Taylor as leader, many members of the group left the part and joined the Canadian Nationalist Party. This lead to a decline in the group until it’s devolvement in the 1980s.