Chapter 5

Page  Term  Description
 40 Meaning of “figures scribbling

on a sheet”

Figures in the context of the book refers to a set of numbers. As a whole meaning, the character in Flight to Canada writing down numbers or some sort of business transaction on a document.
 40 Background info on 60 families The 60 Families is a book that is an argumentative analysis of wealth and class in the United States, and how wealth and class are leveraged for purposes of political and economic power. The book is composed of a tightly interlinked group of 60 families. The book was also written by an iconoclastic journalist and writer named Ferdinand Lundberg who identified a cartel of families that controlled most of the wealth in the United States. 60 Families was published in 1937.

Photograph from Wikipedia

 41 White slaves on plantations There is no evidence of white slaves on plantations.
 41 Treatment of white slaves compared

to black slaves.

The white people of the book were not considered to be slaves, but rather servants. The larger difference between the two classes is that the black slaves have no say as to whether or not they would like to continue their work and duties. The white workers do indeed have a say as to whether or not they want to work. Servants have more lenient terms of life and say of opinions than slaves.
 40 Why are Robin and Judy called “Uncle” and

“Aunt” ? Who are there nieces/nephews?

There is no evidence or any mention of their nieces and nephews. There reasons for being called “Uncle” and “Aunt” are not really revealed to the reader in this chapter of the book.
 40 When did the Betty Crocker industry appear,

and what is its range of products?

The Betty Crocker industry appeared in 1921. The Betty Crocker industry was originally created by the Washburn-Crosby  Company in 1921. The Betty Crocker industry’s range of products are pastries and assortments of breads.

Photograph From The Wikipedia Page

 41 Meaning of the term “Anglish”. Is it an improper

way of saying English?

According to the context of the book, the character is using the word “English” in an improper way. It is a way of mocking the proper word.
 41 Did “white slaves” ever really exist around the time of  the

civil war?

There is no solid evidence of whether or not there were white slaves that existed around the time of the Civil War. Rather, there isn’t much information on that at all.
 41 When was coffee discovered, and when did it enter into circulation

in the world market?

Coffee was discovered in the 11th century.  Coffee circulated in the mid-14th century. Coffee began from Ethiopia and eventually reached America after a very long circulation.
 41 “No wonder they call you an Uncle Tom” The significance of the quote is how Mr. Moe is described a person who looks like a slave, but still does the duties of a slave.
 41 “You are white man but you still a slave” The significance of this quote from the book is the similarities, but difference this character has with black slaves. The ideal here is that even if this white man does not work as slave does on a plantation, he would still take orders from those that he works for. Similarly as a slave would do the masters bidding, the white man must complete what he was meant to do.