Chapter 6

Page # Item Description
45-50 Lincoln see footnotes for chapter 1
45 General Lee’s soldiers escorting Lincoln
45 Gilded Age (how it relates)
45 The River Queen
45 yokel-dokel
45 the Scotch plaid cap and cloak
47 Slave mother milk (real or myth)
47 Lord Tennyson as an aesthete
47 Sir Baron
47 Tennyson’s poem on slave mother milk and Ennui
47 Ennui
47 Milieu
48 William Wells Brown “the writer”
48 Napoleon III at this time
49 Dennis Carter “The Painter”

“Lincoln’s Drive Through Richmond”

Real artist who painted historically significant events in America. One civil war era painting, “Lincoln’s Drive Through Richmond”, would be most relevant to the text.

 49 Carter painting Lincoln signing the Emancipation Proclamation  NOAA Photo Library Image - cgs05195

This Francis Carpenter painting depicts the first reading of the Emancipation Proclamation. This is the closest painting to match the description, but is not done by Dennis Carter.

49-50 Money worth (confederate vs. union)
 50  Golden fluid hair slick as a hair treatment elixir
 50  “Bookie odds” phrase